New Website
July 2018
We are very thankful to the amazing Bruce Sigrist who has developed the most beautiful website for us! We gave Bruce free reign to work on its development after describing the project and the result is an imaginative, perfectly balanced description of this rare and unusual space.
The website was built as an arrangement through Norfolk ProHelp, a community interest company that pairs charities and nonprofits with local professional firms.
Not For Profit Organisation
Last year saw a change of direction for the project. It has grown beyond the single-handed ability for one person to manage, and so we formed a not for profit organisation. We have recently been awarded with Lottery funding which will help us to extend our offer of education and opportunities all year round to a wider range of young people.
Balsam Bashing
Our Balsam Bashing Season is well underway. This year we had the help of a team from UK Power Networks. They pulled out a small mountain of the plant which threatens to wipe out our reed bed and other important habitats so we are most grateful for their help.
Wrongs Workshop
Our workshop is now back in production and all our timber derived from selective felling and other woodland management is being made into wonderful dwellings for all the creatures that live at Wrongs Covert. See our Creatures of Wrongs Covert page.
We sell these habitat boxes to raise funds for the management of the woodland. Details on the activities page.
As events and seasons unfold here, we will keep you up to date with any interesting items and occurrences.